Date (And F**k) Like An Alpha Male (This Drives Girls Crazy)
How to Be More Alpha, Attract More Women, And Get Laid More Easily
I know this is a strange time…
No one is going out.
No one is meeting in person.
And there are only so many hours a day you can spend on dating apps and texting women you haven’t met yet.
So, what should you be doing?
Most people are telling you to work on yourself… diet, exercise, meditation…
And that’s all good. Do that. It’s always good to take care of yourself, and be a better physical version of you.
But also…
NEW: 27 Signs She’s DTF And Wants to Sleep With You…
Work on your understanding of your dating life.
That’s what I want to talk to you about today. What you can do — concrete step-by-step things — you can be doing right now to become the guys women want to date.
This means learning how to date (and f**k) like an alpha male.
Alpha males are the ones who take charge. Who stand out, not only to women, but as a leader among men.
Those are the guys women are biologically programmed to want to mate with…
So next time you’re in a crowd of hot women, before you can even decide which one you want to talk to, the hottest one senses your alphaness, and comes over and makes a move on YOU…
And today, I’m going to teach you how to be that guy:
Watch the video above to find out how…

In this video, I reveal how to be an Alpha Male:
The FIRST change you should make is one you can do TODAY — and it will help both how you look and how hard you get… (It’s a total win-win!)
Why being critical of yourself is getting in the way of attracting the hot, younger women you deserve –– and exactly how to STOP acting this way…
The #1 book I recommend you read immediately… Find out why this 60 year old book will instantly make every area of your life better (especially your SEX LIFE).
My 7 “Life Transformation Tips” — and why you don’t ever have to leave your house to try them. They will get you laid more overnight…
The single BEST and EASIEST place to find a mentor… scroll down to get that answer A.S.A.P.

3 “Ready Made” Mentors Who Can Solve Your Most Pressing Problem With Women Right Away…
Of course, I haven’t even mentioned the ULTIMATE source of mentors that’s literally right at your fingertips right now:
Gotham Club!
This site has so much collected wisdom from the absolute best experts who get laid all the time… you’d be foolish to not take advantage of it.
So here are some videos each of the top mentors here made that serve as an introduction to their top tips, tricks and techniques.
Check out the one that you think will be most helpful for whatever situation you’re in now:
If you need help banging MORE WOMEN… my mentor Craig Miller is the perfect guy to watch (Check out his “Perfect Pick-up Line” right here<–)
If you go on dates now… but need help “sealing the deal”… Magic Leone is your man. He has a 3-Step “Seduction Sequence” that gets a girl really horny for you… without having to say much at all. Click here to get it now.
Finally, if you get girls in bed… f**k them… and then they seem less enthusiastic (or don’t want to meet up again)… you need some pointers for the bedroom.
Actually… this one pointer from “World’s Oldest Pornstar” Dave Cummings is usually “just the trick”… and will get you a LOT more repeat business in bed (and a diamond-hard hard-on too!): [LINK to 5GM]
Published at Wed, 23 Feb 2022 06:00:00 -0800