Does Mr. Right Exist? Of Course!
Are you wondering does Mr. Right Exist? Yes, but first let’s look at how you judge men against that ideal. By your feelings right? But are those the deeper feelings or what you’ve been conditioned to believe? Therefore, what feels right isn’t necessarily right. In fact, what is most familiar to you may not be ideal for you or even compatible with you in the long run.
So here are three hacks to help you overcome your conditioning, biases, what your family/friends think etc. to enable you to find Mr. right.
Does Mr. Right Exist? Hack #1 Date against type.
Even if you’re not exactly blown away by a person at the first date, remember to stay open. If he is into you, meets the basics and seems open to growing, go for at least a second or third date. You cannot know what secret goodies are hidden in someone just by meeting them once. You have to let a potential partner unfold and show you his different sides. If there is any connection with this person at all, give it another chance. Even if you feel there is no chemistry. Chemistry can grow and happen in a heartbeat.
Remember, you’re breaking your Dead-End Dating Patterns. You’re attracted to the types of guys who were not right for you. On the other hand, love almost always comes in a surprise package; most people do not end up with the kind of person they imagine for themselves. The woman who dates starving artists marries a rich, balding lawyer.
One of my clients, Jen, was insanely mad with a hot George Clooney look-alike. Of course, that went nowhere because he was a player. She often asked me: Does Mr. Right exist for me? Through coaching and hard work, she later created a gem of a marriage. With a short plain guy who was her champion and a healing force of nature in her life. And who became her Mr. Right.
Does Mr. Right Exist? Hack #2 Step outside your comfort zone.
And when you step outside your comfort zone, exciting things can happen.
Often when you’re used to unavailable guys and blazing chemistry, dating a guy who is great partner material may feel like you just landed on a foreign planet. That’s where everyone speaks a language you don’t know. So you may find yourself analyzing him and the relationship to death. For example, you’re thinking he’s not (fill in the blank with a physical attribute, such as, thin, young, handsome, etc) ENOUGH. You may say he is too nice or boring. Or you may be concerned he likes you too much. And you may feel scared. But Please let all that go and sit with it. Keep reminding yourself that what was familiar was only bringing you heartbreak.
Does Mr. Right Exist? Hack#3 Focus on how YOU FEEL when you’re with the guy.
When you’re dating the Right One, you’ll feel free to be yourself. You’ll feel secure and happy. Not the way you’re supposed to feel but how you actually feel inside.
So the takeaway is: Does Mr. Right Exist? Yes, by dating against type and you might just find the right one.
Now watch this short vid answering a reader’s question: Does Mr. Right Exist?
Published at Fri, 03 Dec 2021 02:49:27 -0800