How to Make Yourself Pop Online: Your Photo is Everything
Men are visual creatures. When they scan women’s profiles online, they sort based on photos. So you want to learn exactly how to make yourself pop online.
According to Match.com, men are fourteen times more likely to look at a profile that has a photo. They can’t help it—this visual scanning behavior is based in their biology. When men look at the faces of beautiful women, the part of the brain associated with dopamine, the all-too-powerful falling-in-love chemical of love actually increases in activity.
Men consciously and unconsciously choose beauty because it gives them a better chance at healthy reproduction. Beautiful women are often healthier women with the right amount of estrogen. I know this may offend you, but you can’t fight biology.
You can make it work in your favor, however. First and foremost, you must put time and energy into getting your best photo for your profile. You want a great head shot of you, with no one else in the photo.
If you’re thinking, I’m not exactly Angelina Jolie—there go my chances, think about all those makeovers you’ve seen in magazines and on TV shows. Everyone is beautiful but it takes a team. You have to find your signature look: the hair, makeup, and clothing that make you pop online. Find some professionals who know how to make you pop online. And after you read this blog, be sure to enjoy the brief video on how to make yourself pop online.
How to Make Yourself Pop Online: Creating Your Look
Optimize your hair and get your makeup done or do it yourself so that you look and feel your best. Most men like soft, longish, touchable hair and makeup that is not too obvious or overdone. Splurge on getting an updated haircut from a trendy salon. Get your makeup done for free at a high-end department store. (You don’t need to buy their high-priced products—duplicate the colors with drugstore brands if your budget is tight.) Make sure you are surprised and happy about how good you look.
No matter whether you have A cups or DD—buy or find a flattering top that has a scoop neckline. You want to show skin up there, although not too much. And wear RED. Remember, if you want to know how to make yourself pop online, men love women in red. You want to look beautiful, with a touch of sexiness, as men like a hint of sexuality in a serious partner. However, avoid looking slutty.
How to Make Yourself Pop Online: Taking the Photo
Have a friend who is a fabulous photographer take over a hundred head shots of you to find one that is so good it surprises you. Make sure you take at least one hundred; although it sounds like a lot, the whole process will get you over the hump of holding back or being shy on camera. You can also have your photo done by a professional photographer who knows how to interact playfully and help his or her subject to be real. If you take this route, make sure your photo looks casual.
If you are having trouble loosening up, deliberately take some “bad” photos where you are overly serious or silly. This technique, that professional models use to warm up for a shoot, will get you into play mode and guarantee that you pop online.
How to Make Yourself Pop Online: Make your Photo Warm and Inviting
As you look into the camera think about your love intention, something like I give myself a warm, loving life partner. Or imagine that a man you really love is giving you the biggest compliment! Think about whatever brings a twinkle to your eyes and gives you a real smile. Men rate women who make eye contact and smile in photos as more beautiful. For example, on an app, a smile increases your chances of being right-swiped by 14%. Finally, try heightening the contrast to make yourself pop online.
Take a second or third picture that shows you in your element—whether that is at the top of a mountain or with your beloved pooches. Again, do not include photos with others.
Take some full-body shots that are flattering to your figure. Experimentally add the best one to your profile to see how that affects your responses.
How to Make Yourself Pop Online: I Will Write Your Online Profile
There are many other online dating tips that will produce top-quality guys for over 40s women! If you really want to fast forward to your online dating success and learn all the simple secrets that have helped many over 40s find the One quickly, then I have great news for you. My expert Love Mentors will teach you these easy-to-use strategies and help you develop photos, screen names and profiles that will make you stand out. And it’s included in my dating coaching package. Better yet, if you like, I will personally review your online presence at no extra cost. Now enjoy the brief video on how to make yourself pop online.