The #1 Secret of Short Guys Who Date & Hookup With Taller Women…
Today I’m going to debunk the myth that taller women won’t date short guys.
Becaause in reality, this is far more fiction than fact.
And I’m going to show you why.
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I’ll give you proven examples of how short guys get taller women to hook up and go home with them in real life.
And I’ll also show you a simple method to get a taller woman to go home with you, straight from one of Gotham Club’s experts.
Why The “Short Guy” Myth Needs to Go Away…
There are examples of taller women dating shorter men all over the place:
Tom Cruise (5’7”) with Nicole Kidman (5’11”)…
Jamie Cullum (5’5”) with Sophie Dahl (6’0”)…
Dave Gardner (5’9”) with Liv Tyler (5’10”)…
Just to name a few. And while Tom Cruise and Jamie Cullum are celebrities, yes, I want to point out that Dave Gardner is just a sports agent. Not a super famous guy.
So you don’t have to be a celebrity to date a taller woman!
And in fact, a lot of taller women actually want to date shorter men.
A woman who’s with a shorter man doesn’t need to wear heels everywhere…and as an added bonus, she’ll be close to eye level with you when you go in for the kiss.
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Taller women also tend to be more conscious of their own height, so she understands that she widens her dating pool if she includes shorter men.
Now, I won’t deny that there are some taller women who refuse to date shorter men…
But these women are close-minded and superficial. Do you really want to date a woman like that?
A woman who immediately rejects you because of your height is judgmental and searching for the “perfect man.”
And because of that, she’ll never find anybody who makes her truly happy. It’s a waste of your effort to even try.
At the end of the day, you can’t change your height. But what you can control is much more powerful:
How you communicate and interact with women so that you get the upper hand.
So next time you meet a beautiful woman who just happens to be taller than you, just follow these 3 simple steps for success:
1) Don’t Mention the Height Difference
The worst possible thing you can do when you meet a taller woman is bring her attention to your height difference right away…
Because that’s not even close to the first thing she notices about you! In fact, I had a long-term boyfriend who was half an inch shorter than I am, and I didn’t pick up on any height difference until months into the relationship.
He never brought it to my attention. Seriously, it’s that simple!
It’s like having a ketchup stain on your shirt — you might think everyone is gawking at it…
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But in reality, they haven’t even noticed it. And the only way they would notice is if you mention it.
So if you don’t mention your height difference… chances are she won’t mention it either.
On top of that, if you do mention it, she might assume you’re insecure or uncomfortable with your body. And that’s a huge turn-off for her.
But if you ignore the difference, she’ll think you’re a confident guy who’s secure in himself… and she’ll appreciate that you don’t need her “approval.”
Here’s the truth: Taller women have eyes. If there’s a height difference, she’ll eventually notice…
But by ignoring the difference, you’re showing her that you don’t care about the fact that she’s taller than you — you just want her. And that’s something all women find attractive.
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2) Don’t Try to Overcompensate
It’s easy to think that if you’re lacking in one area, you can make up for it by emphasizing your strong points.
And because of this, many guys who are worried about their height try to make up for it in flashiness and bravado.
They brag about their career successes…
How much money they have…
The other women they’ve dated…
And they’re cocky as hell.
To a woman, this screams “desperate.” If you feel the need to “prove” yourself to her because of your height, she’ll notice. And not in a good way.
Yes, women want to know your good qualities…but she doesn’t want you to shove them in her face. Let her discover them herself — that way she can truly appreciate the man you are right now.
So how do you avoid this overcompensation?
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Just treat her like you would any normal woman! It sounds obvious, but it really works…because at the end of the day, that’s what she is: A woman.
Taller women are exactly like every other type of women — and so they respond in exactly the same way.
But I get it — her height might still make you feel a little uncomfortable (even if you’re really into her). So here’s a pro tip:
Take her to a venue where the height difference is barely noticeable. That way, there won’t even be an opportunity to talk about it!
For example, you could take her to a bar where the lighting is dim…
Or a coffee shop where you’re both sitting down…
Or a movie where you’re sitting in the dark…
Or you could even go to a concert together! If you’re standing next to each other and staring at a stage, she’ll be too distracted by the music to notice your height.
And here’s the last thing you have to do to “seal the deal” and get her home with you…
3) The #1 Secret of Short Guys Who Date & Hookup With Taller Women
… is a lot simpler than you might think:
Whenever these guys hear a taller woman say things like, “I only date guys over 6’0””… or, “If I’m taller than you in heels, it’s a deal-breaker”...
… they don’t walk away, when most shorter guys would.
Instead, they ignore her s**t tests (because that’s usually all they are)… and continue talking to her like nothing happened.
And this changes everything.
Because women (especially tall attractive women) are NOT used to being stood up to like that… when you do this, it shows her that you have true sexual confidence…
And as a woman, this is a HUGE turn-on.
So when a woman says these things to you… here’s exactly what to say to flip the script… get past her silly “sh*t tests”… and sleep with her fast…
… almost like it’s her idea:
[Note: This post was updated by Gotham Club on November 2, 2019.]
Published at Sat, 18 Dec 2021 06:00:00 -0800